Intro to this site

Initial thoughts from the webmaster

- I don’t think there is anything wrong with making people produce photo IDs when voting to prove they are actually are the registered voter they say they are. I can’t believe and “reasonable person” would believe anything differently, even the democrats! I can’t believe you can vote in these states on the honor system: California, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. Maybe that would work in the 50’s when you could trust people, but not today. I don’t claim to be an expert at all these “bills” that politicians are creating, but I can at least say that.
- I think laws should be simple. One shouldn’t have to wade through 600+ pages to try to figure out what it says. Keep it to one or two pages. I also think laws should be topical, they should be about one thing, and not various and diverse things that have no relationship to each other. I think that is reasonable.
- I think every other year for a long time, the legislatures should not be allowed to pass any new laws, but should go through previously passed laws either removing them if they are no longer apropos, or updating them.
- I don’t think municipalities should have laws that are unenforced. If you are not going to enforce it don’t make it — many parking laws come to mind — why do I have to pay annually for a resident parking permit if they are never enforced, even if you call them about someone parking illegally — they don’t care.
- I don’t think they money I am paying in taxes should be used for unemployment for people too lazy to work. As a small business owner, let me tell you 97% of unemployed people out there don’t want to work. Why should they when they get so much from unemployment.
- I think we need FDR and his infrastructure plan — all the people who have taking up the job of professional begging (“Homeless”) — ship them off to work on the roads — the government will pay them a fair wage, a place to stay, and 3 square meals a day.
- Originally I was a republican, then I was a democrat, now I am independent. So I have some views in line with each party, and some inline with neither. What drives me crazy about elections, is normally I seem to be chosing between the lesser of two evils, and I want to vote for someone I actually want to win. I know, not the world I am living in.
- If someone doesn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine, and then gets COVID-19, and all the hospital beds are full with non-vaccinated COVID-19 patients, and a non-covid patient dies because there are no beds available — should the non-vaccinated people be held responsible? Should they be kicked out of the hospital? I don’t like the idea of the hospitals being full and me dying because all non anti-vacciners are filling the beds. We don’t have any law to cover this, but we need it. Its a personal choice until your personal choice kills someone else.
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